Friday, February 10, 2006


Robert points out a handy site listing the orders-in-council made by Harper so far (as well as by previous PMs). And for sheer chutzpah, these ones may top anything else Harper has done yet this week:
Amendment to Schedule I.1 to the Financial Administration Act designating the MINISTER OF CANADIAN HERITAGE as the appropriate Minister with respect to the Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada, effective February 6, 2006.
Registration: SOR/2006-0039
And for those holding out hope that's an accident or a misprint, you'll be sorry to note that it isn't:
Order transferring the OFFICE OF INDIAN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS RESOLUTION OF CANADA to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, effective February 6, 2006.
Registration: SI/2006-0047
Just by way of review, let's take a look at the Canadian Heritage mandate:
Canadian Heritage is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada's civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians.
And in the department's expanded mission statement:
Promoting the creation, dissemination and preservation of diverse Canadian cultural works, stories and symbols reflective of our past and expressive of our values and aspirations.
Just for added effect in that context:
Amendment to Schedule I.1 to the Financial Administration Act designating the MINISTER OF CANADIAN HERITAGE as the appropriate Minister with respect to the Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada, effective February 6, 2006.
I for one would think there has to be a difference between past policies and programs which are properly the subject of apologies and compensation, and ones which we celebrate as part of the heritage which defines us as Canadians. And it's plenty disturbing that Harper has signed onto the idea that Canada's shameful residential school legacy should appropriately be classified under the latter.

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