Saturday, August 30, 2008

Signs of desperation

John Baird gives us a hint of just how little the Cons have to offer in an upcoming election campaign, as their plan appears to be to show the public the same contempt which Harper normally applies to Con MPs:
The ad previews some key themes that advisors in the Prime Minister's Office say will be part of an election campaign that could begin as early as Sept. 5.

"We just want Canadians to see the guy we work with every day," Environment Minister John Baird told reporters...
So what can Canadians then look forward to based on Harper's track record? Presumably Canadians can look forward to such unique campaign tactics as being told to shut up if they don't have Deceivin' Stephen's approval and subjected to public shaming if they fail to do so, and having all art which fails to glorify the Dear Leader replaced with suitably fawning portraits.

Now, it may well be that the Cons see that as offering a more likely road to electoral success than anything as mundane as discussing policy. But it surely can't speak well of any of the Cons' other options if they think their best choice is to try to convert swing voters to the cult of Harper.

(Edit: fixed wording.)

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