Saturday, December 06, 2008

Hypothetically speaking

While Robert Benzie's article on Deceivin' Stephen doesn't contain too much news about how Harper governs, it's noteworthy in including multiple criticisms toward Harper from Brian Mulroney and some of his loyalists. And the connection raises what looks to be one of the more interesting questions about Harper's regime in the longer term.

From all indications, Mulroney looks to have been the lone individual who held enough of Harper's respect to be able to restrain his habit of constant partisan attacks. Which leads me to wonder: how different would Harper's stay in office look now if he hadn't cut Mulroney off from his party? Would Mulroney have been capable of talking Harper out of some of his less-canny gambits like slamming artists and bringing the opposition together with his financial update? And what does it say if the Cons' government has been ineffective enough that we're left wishing that the man who reduced the PCs to 2 seats had more of a say?

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