Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Leadership 2009 Notes

With the Saskatchewan NDP leadership race winding down, the candidates appear to be having a fairly quiet week (at least until the convention gets under way) even as the race picks up added media attention. Both Ryan Meili and Yens Pedersen have turned their sights toward reminding members about the June 5 deadline for online or telephone voting, with Pedersen also including a note about the preferential balloting system.

Meanwhile, Dwain Lingenfelter continues to unveil youth-oriented endorsements, this time highlighting support from "dynamic young New Democratic candidates" Steve Ryan and Eric Anderson. And their age and established level of involvement in the party are certainly huge pluses for Ryan and Anderson. But while recognizing the effort both put into the 2007 campaign (as well as their other involvement in politics and community activities as mentioned on Lingenfelter's site), it's worth noting that "dynamic" might not be the first word that comes to mind in describing their results: Anderson's 1,592 votes in Rosetown-Elrose made for a drop of over 600 from the NDP's 2003 total (even though the riding was then held by opposition leader Elwin Hermanson), while Ryan's total of 1,320 votes in Wood River was the NDP's third-lowest total in any riding and a drop of 701 votes from 2003.

Edit: added wording.

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