Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On inefficiencies

If we needed any more evidence that privatization and budget-slashing are just two sides of the same anti-government coin and that both are being pursued with no regard for the public interest, Brad Wall has provided it in truly comic form.

Having set up a P3 secretariat earlier this year without any apparent reason other than their ideological commitment to outsourcing profits, the Sask Party has apparently reached the conclusion that the province doesn't have enough potential corporate giveaways to keep such an entity occupied. At which point they took an operation which they created without considering whether it served any useful purpose - and converted it into an "efficiency secretariat".

Mind you, I'd hate to miss out on the opportunity to offer a constructive suggestion. So let's help the new unit out with a first source of government efficiencies: "don't waste our money on useless projects like P3 secretariats".

(Edit: fixed wording.)

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