Sunday, March 14, 2010

On business decisions

Following up on the Cons' sweetheart deal from Google for free live-streaming of Stephen Harper at a time when the NDP was being told that the technology wasn't even available in Canada, let's note one other potentially significant aspect of the story.

Remember that in the 2008 federal election campaign, there was exactly one political party which actually made use of Google's paid advertising as a means of reaching people searching key election-related terms. And of course, that party was the NDP. So one would think that Google would have had ample experience with the NDP's interest in pioneering its services in Canada - which presumably would make for reason to keep the NDP in the loop as to what new options were going to be available absent some pressure to withhold that information.

Mind you, I wouldn't expect Google to treat the NDP better than any other customer. But the apparently misleading information given to the NDP to stands in stark contrast to the obviously preferential treatment offered to the Cons - and some explanations are surely in order as to why that distinction was drawn.

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