Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Royally skewed

Kady has pointed out the more familiar piece of skewed messaging in Brian Lilley's post on the next Durban conference.

But I'd think the more striking line from Lilley is "princes of the foreign affairs department", which looks to be breaking new ground in building up a false perception of elitism among civil servants (who of course aren't allowed to defend themselves against the charge). And considering how hard Lilley is working to repeat his apparent talking points at every opportunity (note that both "Fort Pearson" and "latte" appear twice in the same brief post), I'm sure we can look forward to a regular diet of QMI stories about how poor, powerless little Stephen Harper, with his mere hundreds of millions of dollars in publicly-funded communication money, faces insurmountable odds in facing down the evil and all-controlling Masters of the Universe at Service Canada.

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