Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Back in play

Keen-eyed readers of this blog may have noticed that since last fall, I've dealt exclusively with federal and international politics rather than provincial and municipal ones. (Some even seem to have managed the feat without noticing the e-mail address which could have been used to follow up on an explanation as to the change in focus, rather than operating under the bizarre assumption that "poll results" were the cause.)

As it happens, I've been under some work-related restrictions on my blogging subject matter since going public with my name last fall. But that work situation has now changed - so from here on in, expect plenty more commentary on the Saskatchewan scene.

Before diving back in, though, I'll point out what looks to be the most significant development of the last few months: the release of the NDP's policy consultation report. For now, have a read if you haven't yet - and I'll follow up with my take in the days ahead.

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